Time: Monday, Feb. 29 from Noon to 1pm
Location: M306 ( Business Science Building)
Presenter: Dr. Carrie Halpin
Session Description: Several new and upgraded instructional technologies have been provided at VWCC to support online teaching and learning. This workshop will focus on the demonstration and discussion about these new technologies:
- Grade Center Manager: Batch create and delete Grade Center columns
- Qwickly: Make courses available; send emails; post announcements; and post content to multiple courses AT ONCE.
- Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: This new version has many of the same features of the original Blackboard Collaborate application (an interactive Web conferencing tool specifically designed for online teaching and learning). Most important, the process of joining a Blackboard Collaborate Ultra session has been simplified - Ultra opens up right in your Web browser, so you don’t have to install Java or download any special software to join a session.
- Films On Demand: The leading source of high-quality videos and multimedia to support online teaching and learning.