Thursday, August 28, 2014

2014 VaBug Conference Announced! Call for Proposal Open!!


The Virginia Blackboard Users Group (VaBUG) announces its fifth annual conference, to be held at the Holiday Inn at Valley View in Roanoke, VA on Friday, October 24, 2014!

The conference will once again have free registration.


The VaBUG Conference Committee is now accepting proposals for the 2014 Annual Conference.
The VaBUG conference is a great opportunity for Blackboard users to discover, discuss, learn, and share best practices. In order to afford its members the best possible personal and professional development opportunities, they are asking instructors, administrators, staff members, and any other interested members to submit proposals for concurrent sessions for this year’s conference. What exciting ways have you been utilizing Blackboard in the past year?
The concurrent sessions will be scheduled for 50 minutes (this includes time for questions and answers). Sessions will be organized along the following tracks:
  • Blackboard administration
  • Instructional design
  • Faculty best practices
  • K-12 best practices
Please consider participating as a presenter, and pass this message along to someone you feel may be interested in participating.

For more information, please visit their site at